Saturday, 26 October 2013

Topic 2 : Structure of Information & Reference Sources.


    In topic 2, we have learnt about a structure of information which is to reflect on step 2 in Big 6. The 2nd step in Big 6 is Information Seeking Strategies. There are 2 format of information which are Printed (like as books, newspaper) & Non-Printed (such as internet,blogs). Besides that, there are 3 types of information that i did not know previously. Primary, Secondary, Tertiary.


  • is an original document.
  • is a first hand information.
  • enable the researchers to get as close as possible. 






  • something written about a primary source.
  • edit & review the sources.
  • interpretation of primary sources.



For your information, newspaper & magazines can be a PRIMARY or SECONDARY SOURCES. If the article was written at the time when something happened, it known as PRIMARY SOURCE.

  • distillation & collection of primary & secondary sources.
  • include most type of references.



Saturday, 5 October 2013

Topic 1 : Information Literacy & Big 6 Process.


    Welcome to the last semester in FSP. In this semester I am taking Information Literacy (IL) as ICT subject. My lecturer for this subject is Miss NurKhairunnisha Zainal. What I have learnt in topic 1 are IL definition and Big 6 Process.

    From what i have learnt, IL is the set of skill needed to find, retrieve, analyze & use information. IL also known as Information Competency & Information Skills. From my understanding, there are 6 elements of IL. That are Library Literacy, Media Literacy, Computer Literacy, Internet Literacy, Research Literacy & Critical Thinking Literacy. Information Literacy is very important because it is the solution to Data Smog.

The Big 6 Process

    The Big 6 Process is a six stages of process to help anyone solve problems or make decisions by using the information.

  1. TASK DEFINITION : we have to define the problem and identify information needed. What type the information does we need ?
  2. INFORMATION SEEKING STRATEGIES : we have to determine the range of possible sources. Which are the best source that you want to put in your report.
  3. LOCATION AND ACCESS : We locate sources and find information within sources. Where ? and where information in each sources ?
  4. USE OF INFORMATION : engage such as read,hear,view or touch) that information.
  5. SYNTHESIS : We organize information from multiple sources and we present it.
  6. EVALUATION : At the end, we judge the product including judge the information problem to solve it. Is the task complete ? The objective is archive or not ?