In this topic, we have learnt about SEARCH TOOLS & SEARCH STRATEGIES. From this topic , I know about internet is the search tools that we always using it. There are 5 types of search tools of internet which are Search Engines, Meta-Search Engines, Information Gate Ways, Subject Directories & Specialized Database. For your information, the specific name for AiU's OPAC is "CHAMO" but the special name is itAlic.
1) Search with Keyword:
- using the synonym words.
- example: Tertiary Education = College = University.
2) Boolean Searching : there are 3 keywords between words.
To limit the search.
- OR
To expend the search.
To exclude the unwanted terms.
3) Truncation & Wildcard.
Asterisk (*) & Question Mark (?) & Pound Sign (#)
- Truncation : put at the of letters in the words.
teen* = teen or teens or teenage or teenager.
- Wildcard : put in the middle of letters in the words.
Example :
wom?n = woman or women.
4) Phrase Searching :
- searching for two or more words as an exact phrase.
- use Brackets ( ) or Inverted Commas " " .
"Information Literacy" or (Information Literacy)